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Marque is a law firm that does not measure the value of its people or its services in six minute units of time. Marque does not charge by the hour. It does not charge for any of the stuff that is disconnected from the real value of what it does. It invests in long term relationships with its clients, and it measures the value of its services in the same way they do. The legal industry is deeply cynical and has departed from the ethical foundations on which it was built. It has become an engine for the amoral and antisocial pursuit of money and it generates enormous unhappiness. Marque Lawyers seeks to change that by redesigning legal practice from the ground up.

Marque Lawyers

Legal services

Key Facts


B Impact Score

Primary Location


New South Wales


Legal Services




Marque is a law firm that does not measure the value of its people or its services in six minute units of time. Marque does not charge by the hour. It does not charge for any of the stuff that is disconnected from the real value of what it does. It invests in long term relationships with its clients, and it measures the value of its services in the same way they do. The legal industry is deeply cynical and has departed from the ethical foundations on which it was built. It has become an engine for the amoral and antisocial pursuit of money and it generates enormous unhappiness. Marque Lawyers seeks to change that by redesigning legal practice from the ground up.

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