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Green Moves was created to provide residential and commercial sectors access to independent sustainable building efficiency consulting services. Green Moves offers product independent sustainability advice and guidance focused on creating buildings that are comfortable, efficient and sustainable. We do this through our expertise and knowledge in…Energy efficiency consulting, audits and assessment (including NABERS assessments)Sustainability consulting and assessment (including ISO14001 preparation)Reviewing building plans and fit outs with a view to minimising operational costsThermal imaging and blower door testing and assessmentsAssisting with environmental policy creation and implementationEmbedding resource efficiency procedures into work practicesTraining and sharing of knowledge through providing education in the field.

Green Moves Australia

Sustainability and energy efficiency consulting service and industry education

Key Facts


B Impact Score

Primary Location




Energy & Environmental Services

Energy & Environmental Services


Green Moves was created to provide residential and commercial sectors access to independent sustainable building efficiency consulting services. Green Moves offers product independent sustainability advice and guidance focused on creating buildings that are comfortable, efficient and sustainable. We do this through our expertise and knowledge in…Energy efficiency consulting, audits and assessment (including NABERS assessments)Sustainability consulting and assessment (including ISO14001 preparation)Reviewing building plans and fit outs with a view to minimising operational costsThermal imaging and blower door testing and assessmentsAssisting with environmental policy creation and implementationEmbedding resource efficiency procedures into work practicesTraining and sharing of knowledge through providing education in the field.

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