Tell us a bit about what Stay tray does.
Stay tray makes reusable drink carriers that can be used again, and again, and again.
Why did Stay tray want to become a Certified B Corporation?
Stay tray was created to make a real difference to people and planet. Becoming B Corp certified has helped us to make sure we are on the right track; it helps Stay tray make sure that the business is meeting the highest standards of social and environmental impact.

What makes Stay tray unique as a business?
When Stay tray was first created, the business made a conscious decision to support local business and manufacture a great product right here in Australia. It would have been half the price to engineer and manufacture overseas. However, it was really important for Stay tray to support the incredibly talented designers, engineers and manufactures right here in Australia! In fact, the business has kept all design, engineering and manufacture within a 60 km radius of Stay tray's home on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria.
Do you have any words of wisdom for aspiring B Corps?
It's a really great way to take stock of your business and assess how it is tracking against a benchmark.