VerdeCon is a responsible, carbon neutral construction company founded in Sydney's eastern suburbs, they're now based based in Bondi & Byron Bay NSW.\. We speak to Dean Ipaviz, one of the co-founders of VerdeCon to learn a little more about the newest addition to the B Corp community!

What motivated you to pursue B Corp certification?
We're fully aware of the impact the built environment and the construction industry is having on our planet and subsequently the climate. We also knew we wanted to be driven by more than profit and loss. We wanted our business to have purpose and be known for more than just the things we put together, we identified B Corp as an opportunity to show other builders and contractors in our industry that while we're aware we're doing damage, if we pull together collectively we can have a massive impact and literally build a better planet.
We have coupled our accreditation with carbon neutrality which sees us calculate and offset our companies emission annually. While we're not doing everything right just yet, we're confident we're on the right track and we'll keep striving to create change in an industry that is crying out for it
How do you plan to celebrate your B Corp certification?
Unfortunately Covid-19 put a stop to any celebrations but we will likely take the team's out for a celebratory afternoon of golf and a few beers!
Do you have any tips for aspiring B Corps about the certification process?
Don't give up, it can be a long road.... B Corp took me 3 years (partly because I think we're in pretty unchartered territory given the industry). One thing I learned is that at the end of the day you're the only one holding yourself back from certification, everyone actually wants you to become a B Corp so if you need help reach out to someone in a similar industry or someone near you (location wise) for assistance. Shout out to James Perrin at Stone & Wood!